Pricing, Inventory, and Availability is subject to change. To request Availability, Pricing, or Inventory please contact the store (423) 639-6160.
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Ez-Trench LLC. Self-Propelled Bed Edger Cable Installer/Layer 3.5" Depth
You can install low voltage lighting or hidden pet fence quickly and easily with the EZ-Cable Installer. You are actually installing the wire or cable and backfilling while digging the trench with this machine.
Area Size Amount of Wire
1/4 acre 415 feet
1/3 acre 480 feet
1/2 acre 590 feet
1 acre 835 feet
2 acres 1,180 feet
5 acres 1,870 feet
*Wire Installation Depth - 3.5" Deep
*Installs wire or cable and backfills the trench all at once!
*Progressive Cutting Carbide Blade
*Carbide bits have excellent wear factor and will cut through tree roots, hard clay and soil
*Easy to Steer - Create or follow any curved landscape beds with ease
*Centrifugal Wet Clutch Transmission
*Maximizes power to the blade and cushions sudden impact.
*Compact - Folding handle for easy loading and transporting.
*Weight - 150 lbs
*Rate of Cut - (subject to soil conditions) Approx. 100' in 5 min.
*Engine(with Centrifugal Wet Clutch) Honda GX200 (6.5hp)
*Wire Installation Depth - 3.5" Deep