Pricing, Inventory, and Availability is subject to change. To request Availability, Pricing, or Inventory please contact the store (423) 639-6160.
First-time renters need to come into the store to reserve equipment in the catalog.
Billy Goat Yard Vaccum
MV Multi-Surface Residential / Commercial
Commercial Duty Vacuum
Model #:
- MV650SPH (Honda) / MV600SPE (Briggs E-Smart) Self-propelled
- Rugged low weight
- Composite housing & hood
- Top load bag slides out on rails
- Operator adjustable intake door
- Hard surface push or 3-speed self-propelled with optional electric start
- Optional 5” x 10’ hose kit; optional disposable bag liners
- 29" Wide gobbler door
- Engine:187 cc Honda (MV650H, MV650SPH); 190 cc Briggs (MV600SPE)
- Bag Volume: 40 gal. top fill
- Bag: Mesh Turf
- Optional push or 3-speed self-propelled
- 6 blade impeller